Our hotel
In Loutraki, Aridaia, the forest courses like a stream and engulfs everything in its wake. Water flows ceaselessly. At times tiptoeing on the big white stones and at times on the smaller ones, we move against the water’s flow that sings evocative tunes. We meet tiny waterfalls, lakes and enlessly color combinations coming from the river. In this charming edge of our country, hotel NYMFES was built in 2009 with respect on the surrounding environment
Στο Λουτράκι Αριδαίας, το δάσος γλιστρά σαν χείμαρρος από τις πλαγιές και αγκαλιάζει τα πάντα στο πέρασμά του. Τα νερά ρέουν αδιάκοπα. Άλλοτε ακροπατώντας στις μεγάλες άσπρες πέτρες και άλλοτε στις μικρότερες κινούμαστε αντίθετα με τη ροή του νερού που κελαρύζει υποβλητικούς σκοπούς. Συναντούμε μικρούς καταρράκτες, λιμνούλες και ανεξάντλητους συνδυασμούς χρωμάτων που κατεβάζει η ποταμιά. Σε αυτή τη σαγηνευτική γωνιά της χώρας μας, χτίστηκε το 2009 με σεβασμό στον περιβάλλοντα χώρο, η ξενοδοχειακή μονάδα ΝΥΜΦΕΣ
- Breakfast hall
- Café
- Gym
- Interior pool
- Exterior pool
- Bar
- Snack Bar
- Internet Cafe
- Jacuzzi
- Sauna
- Hammam
- Massage
- Wifi
- Spa
- Board games
- Car Charging (Watt + Volt)
Wellness & Spa

Four Star Comfort !
Refresh and Rejuvenate yourselves in our Hotel’s “ Spa” with variours body and face massage treatments, relax by taking a dive in our interior or in our exterior pool. Visit our “ Private Spa ” (Sauna-Hammam-Jacuzzi) to experience the ultimate relaxation and serenity.

Electric Vehicle Charging
With the rise of electric vehicles, we recognize the importance of supporting clean transportation options. That’s why we have partnered with Watt + Volt, a leading provider of electric vehicle charging solutions, to offer you an advanced and convenient car charging experience right at our hotel!
Nymfes SPA
Dear friends, our Spa center’s working hours are from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. Schedule your appointment. Inform us at the reception at least 4 hours earlier. Keep in mind that your must be there ten minutes earlier than your scheduled time with simple clothing. In case of untimely arrival on your behalf, might result in reduced available for treatment. For health reasons we ask you not to use the pool after a treatment, because the water might be contaminated with residues of essential oils that have been used for your care. We advise you not to bring any jewelry during your visit at our Spa center. Our hotel bears no responsibility in case of their loss and the Spa center won’t be considered responsible for any loss. Smoking and drinking alcohol is forbidden inside the Spa center and we recommend to not consume any alcohol prior to any treatment. If you wish to visit our Spa facilities (exterior and interior pool, hydromassage, Sauna, Hamam), we advise you to shower before you enter, for hygiene reasons.